Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy
Activities and Societies: Personal Research Project: Dr. Gerald Bull and the Quest to Gun Launch Satellites--the Iraqi Super Gun, Intramural Softball.
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, part of the National Defense University (NDU) system, is a senior service school providing graduate level education to senior members of the US armed forces, government civilians, foreign nationals and private industry. These future executives learn to develop national security strategy and policy, with a focus on evaluating, marshalling, and managing national resources. It is Military Education Level 1 (MEL 1).
Participated in voluntary seminars in Quebec City, Toronto, Panama, and Mexico City where we discussed production, telecommunications, business strategies and environments.
Participated in the Financial Industry Study where we reviewed public and private sector financial systems, nationally and internationally-- Wall Street, IMF, World Bank, CBOT, Federal Reserve, US Treasury, and major banking institutions. Internationally, we met with banking and financial institutions in London, Paris, Frankfurt, and Brussels

University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
MA, Spanish, –
Activities and Societies: Army ROTC, Kadette Corps, Pershing Rifles, Razorback Brigade, Society of American Military Engineers, Registered Student Advisor
Pursued and completed degree program while working full time.
Commandant of Cadets -- mentored and coached seniors as well as the senior level cadet chain of command that led the Razorback Brigade. Faculty supervisor for the Cadet Honor Board.
Registered Student Advisor--trained to advise students on their curriculum, focused on students that were cadets.
Finalist in an 8 state region for the Leo A. Codd Award--national competition for the best Military Science Instructor in the United States.
Faculty Advisor to the Kadette Corps--a women's auxillary to Army ROTC and to the Razorback Brigade. It was a peer selected group of women volunteers who supported University and Army ROTC functions.
Selected by the University as a University Oustanding Advisor for the Kadette Corps in April 1986.
Selected by the University as a University Outstanding Advisor for the Razorback Brigade April 1987.

University of Arkansas
MBA, Business, –
Activities and Societies: Sigma Iota Epsilon, Honorary Academic Business Fraternity, Society of American Military Engineers, White House Fellowship Competitor
Competed for a White House Fellowship in 1984.
Competed for Advance Degree Program for ROTC Instructor Duty (ADPRID) through the Department of the Army. Certain Universities require Assistant Professors to have a Masters Degree. The program competively selects candidates for ROTC duty to obtain a Masters Degree in their functional area. My functional area was Ordnance (91). So, the degree program coordinated was a MBA with electives taken in Automatic Data Processing (ADP).
My primary and secondary courses in Business Department were under Dr. Robert D. Hay
My primary in Business Statistics was Dr. Joe Jones
My primary and secondary courses in Data Processing and Qualitative Analysis (DPQA) was under Dr. David Douglas

U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Corps/Division Level Operational Art, –
Activities and Societies: Staff Group Soccer Team, Pheasant Hunting, Cub Scouts, Mentor and Coach Youth Soccer players as a Soccer Referee
The Command and General Staff College (CGSC) is a 10 month, two semester course located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Graduation in attendance or completion by correspondence produces a Military Education Level 4 (MEL4) certification.
Competed for the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) where I was selected as one of two Alternates. It is an intensive three semester program which begins in the second semester of CGSC and results in the preparation of a monograph and a Master's of Military Art. Neither alternate in 1988 was needed for the beginning of the second semester of SAMS 89. I took Modern Military Thought (A651) and Military Classics Colloquium.
During my second semester of CGSC I took electives in the Soviet Military Operational Art, History of the Wars of the Middle East.
I had two foreign officers in my Staff Group (~18 officers), one from Germany and the other from Kuwait. I learned a great deal from them, their points of view and their experiences.

United States Military Academy at West Point
BS, Engineering, EIT, –
Activities and Societies: Company B-1, USCC, Pistol Team, Cadet Public Relations Council (CPRC) Field Representative, President-Hand Calculator Forum (Founder), Ring & Crest Committee, El Herioco Colegio Militar Exchange (Mexico), Pistol Club, Intramural Football, Intramural Soccer, Intramural Field Hockey and passed Engineer-in-Training (EIT) (Pennsylvania) at West Point.
Electives in Mechanics/Engineering included: Heat Transfer, Direct Energy Conversion, Thermodynamics of Aerospace Propulsion, and Automotive Engineering.
Awarded Engineer-in-Training (EIT) from the State Registration Board of Professional Engineers in Pennsylvania, 13 SEPT 1974.
Cadet Public Relations Council visit to Hanna HS, Dec 1971.
Started a Hand Calculator Forum at USMA to promote and advocate the use of hand calculators (HP-35 and HP-45) to replace slide rules --go from mechanical analog to the digital age Hand calculators were adopted two years later for the incoming Class of 1980.
Studied Advanced Spanish, participated in hosting an exchange cadet program with the Mexican Military Academy (El Heroico Colegio Militar)
Senior Cadet-in-Charge (CIC) for .45 cal Pistol Training of new Sophomore cadets during summer military training at Camp Buckner, NY in 1973. Assisted with Light Anti-Tank Weapon (LAW) and 90mm Recoilless Rife Training.

U.S. Army Management Staff College (AMSC)
Graduate, Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General, Completion, –
Activities and Societies: Toastmasters, Association of the U.S. Army, Section Wallyball, Water Aerobics
The Army Management Staff College (AMSC) has been in the forefront of Army Civilian Leader Development for over 30 years.
Our history began in 1985, after the Army concluded that Civilians in (or entering into) leadership positions were ill-prepared for the challenges they faced, while their Military counterparts received leadership training in Military staff and senior service colleges.
The Army needed a comprehensive program to educate Military and Civilian leaders in Army-specific subjects geared to the sustaining base. These factors led to the creation of AMSC at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. AMSC offered an integrated resident program to Civilians.

Crowder College
Level 1, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, –
Activities and Societies: Wastewater Enviroment Federation, WEF, Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, WEFTEC, American Water Works Association, AWWA, AWWA Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWWA ACE, Texas AWWA, Southeast Chapter of the Texas AWWA, SETAWWA
Pursued a Wastewater Treatment Operator, Level 1 certification via the Environmental Resource Center at Crowder College in Neosho, Missouri. I did so to learn the Body of Knowledge (BOK), better understand technologies/ methods, and be able to communicate succinctly / effectively on wastewater issues in the US as well as with our wastewater engineers and engineering companies in China. This included coaching and mentoring on how are side was going to proceed.
I focused on: plant operations, drainage plane, collection systems, corrosion, sludge, sludge disposal, wastewater engineering, receiving waters, influent, effluent, headworks, throughput, mass flow rates, etc.
Attended national and regional conferences in water and wastewater to review technologies and methodologies to that may suit our venue in the US and China (PRC).

NEW HORIZONS- Software Training (2008-2009)
Certificates of Completion, PM, Program Mgmt, Microsoft Suite, Completed, –
Set up a tailored educational curriculum to keep myself abreast of changes in the Microsoft Office Suite 2007 by taking specific, one-day classroom courses spread out over a seven month period with the goal of keeping my skills sharp. These include interrelated applications in project management and program management, i.e.; Visio, Adobe Acrobat, Access, Excel, Pivot Tables, Word, Power Point, and Project. An alternate focus was to see how all these tools synergistically integrated so I could coach and mentor the appropriate use of these applications.
Joseph Frankie III, Joe Franke III, Jo Frankie, Josef Frankie, Joe Frankie, Jr.; Joe Frankie, Joe Franke.

Los Fresnos High School
High School Diploma, Regular/General High School, Ranked #3 in my Graduating Class, –
Activities and Societies: KRGV All-Valley Scholastic Football Team, National Honor Society, Varsity Football, Varsity Tennis, Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF), University Interscholastic League, UIL, Poetry Interpretation, Sliderule Competition, One Act Play, Student Council, American Legion Boys State, Hi-Ten Award, NHS, Texas Boys State, Student Pilot
First Los Fresnos Student ever to receive an appointment to a Service Academy --Principal Nomination, 19th Congressional District, Rep. Kika de la Garza, United States Military Academy at West Point, NY
Vice President Student Council,
Varsity Football (offensive center), Varsity Tennis Singles and Doubles
KRGV All-Valley Scholastic Football Team
Hi-Ten Award (top ten in graduating class)
National Honor Society
James P. Riggins Leadership Award,
Texas American Legion Boys State> Ran for Land Commissioner, lost; appointed Asst Adjutant General Army
32AA University Interscholastic League (UIL) Competitor:
Poetry Interpretation> District Champion, 3rd Regional
One Act Play> District Winner, Competed at Regional
Sliderule Competitor at District Level
Extemporaneous Speaking Competitor
Other participation:
Boy Scouts of America, Star Scout, working on Life Scout
SCUBA qualification--Open Water
Fixed Wing Student Pilot -- FAA Student Pilot (Piper Cherokee 140), 48 Flight hours

Frankie Family Apprenticeship Program
Agricultural, Automotive and Food Service, –
Activities and Societies: Bulk Fuel Delivery, Restaurant Operations, Agricultural, Grain Sorghum Harvests, Thoroughbred Horses, Service Station Operations, Food Services, Retail Fuel Delivery,
The Extended Frankie Family was in Multiple Business Operations. It was expected you participate and assist in operations supporting the various businesses in the vicinity of Los Fresnos, Texas
1. Restaurant Operations --"Frankie's Restaurant" from 1928 - 1980
These operations included care and preventive maintenance of HVAC, water heaters, ventilation fans, plumbing, grease traps, standard cleaning and mopping of furniture and floors, waiting tables, satisfying customers, accepting payment.
2. Service Station - Phillips 66 - "Ocean Drive"
The operations included pumping gas, cleaning windows, sweeping floorboards, checking oil and fluids, fixing flat tires, changing oil and filter, changing spark plugs and ignition points, washing cars, changing fan and belts, charging batteries, changing and balancing tires, bulk fuel delivery.
3. Agricultural - Raising Thoroughbred race horses, harvesting grain sorghum and maintaining farm land with tractor & implements.